Healing is possible.


RESTORE has done more for me than the 8 years of therapy I did! It is mind, body, soul focused. I love being part of this community. RESTORE has taught me one major lesson I’ve needed for healing - that my BODY & entire being matters to God. This concept has given me freedom and allowed me to believe that healing can happen for me.


Sarah's RESTORE toolkit is literally transforming my life! I've been a member of RESTORE for five months and some days I have to pinch myself because I cannot believe how much different I feel. For decades I wanted to be the person who could 'control' and regulate my moods, but I couldn't and it made me feel profoundly shameful. When I discovered Sarah on Instagram and started to understand the reasons why this was happening, I knew I was on the right path to healing.  



I started with RESTORE 5 months ago and I already feel a change in my body and especially in my head. I have become more calm, I sleep better and I am more optimistic. I can enjoy my life better and I have learned to be in the here and now. The course is worth every dollar, I am so happy I found Sarah on Instagram and working with my nervous system is definitely changing my life.  


I am a therapist, and I've been in therapy myself for a while.

When I had physical symptoms that wouldn't resolve, I knew I needed to engage my body to take my growth to the next level, and I joined RESTORE.

As I've utilized the information and resources in RESTORE, I have experienced important shifts in my growth and healing. A surprise bonus of engaging the mind-body practices from RESTORE is that I have been able to incorporate this knowledge into my work with my own clients.

Incorporating somatic work with my clients has been especially beneficial to those with trauma. I'm grateful to be able to take my work to the next level, so I can't recommend the monthly classes and RESTORE enough to helping professionals.



"I was diagnosed with Autonomic Dystrophy, MCAS and POTS 9 months ago and after being bedridden for 5yrs always in a freeze response. I have used Restore as my daily guide to rewire my nervous system. Through Sarah’s teachings, somatic practices, visualizations and spiritual formation practices I have learnt how my body and mind are operating and know how to bring myself into regulation. Everyday I am attuned to my body listening for what it needs. Through Restore, diet, supplements and small amounts of medication… I am now working part time, an active mum of 3 small children and not in bed!!!!"


Not only has RESTORE supported me through grief and build up trauma in my body, but it’s given me tools and language to support others as an educator. It’s been immensely supportive and worth the investment.


I am a Marriage and Family Therapist, and Sarah Jackson Coaching's Restore program has been wonderfully helpful for me and is a program I refer to my clients routinely. It's like having a coach in your pocket or computer 24/7. Restore is a safe place for myself and my clients to release trauma and help regulate our nervous systems. I greatly appreciate Sarah and have seen positive shifts in my own healing journey as well as my clients. 



The healing I am experiencing from RESTORE is hard to put into words. After 30 some years of talk therapy (which did have value) to find someone with Sarah's knowledge and wisdom of dealing with trauma was a godsend. I always tried to explain trauma as being “visceral” and Sarah understands that. RESTORE gave me healing not just for my nervous system but for my mind, heart and soul!



"My 21 year old son passed in May 2022. I found myself completely emotionally and spiritually destroyed. Sarah’s RESTORE program has helped me immensely. It assisted with settling my nervous system and reconnecting with God. My road is long and this program is a wonderful support."


I started taking Sarah’s monthly classes and was blown away by how easily my body relaxed and felt calm during and after those classes. Based on those I was eager to try out her RESTORE program and was so glad I did. There are so many video offerings and she’s always adding more on a regular basis. My favorite section is Head to Toe, videos to break up tension in different areas of the body. I’ve used them over and over and they provide so much pain relief and a calming of my nervous system. I highly recommend this program for anyone, but especially those that have nervous system dysregulation and have dealt with chronic illness.


I’ve been on a long journey to find healing in both childhood and adult trauma. As a result my weight has fluctuated greatly throughout my life. I’m now a dietitian, but my weight increased steadily over the last 8 years from a healthy to an unhealthy range. I’ve tried all the healthy ways to lose weight with no results. A wonderful friend led me to your RESTORE toolkit and the very first time I did the somatic practice class I lost 3 pounds in one week and felt competent for the first time in my life! I now have the monthly pass and my goal this year is to be consistent with my somatic practice and study the connection between trauma/emotional health and weight. I can’t thank you enough for the resources you have given!


In January [2022], I came down with COVID. This triggered some intense nervous system dysregulation and resurfaced some old trauma. I tried out the April trauma release class and felt such a sense of calm I subsequently joined RESTORE. I have been slowly working through all the course material. A couple of weeks ago, I began having some panic episodes that were incredibly profound in the morning with heart-pounding and racing. So, I would work through a past class from the RESTORE library each morning. Immediately upon finishing each class, my heart rate would be regulated for the remainder of the day. Thankfully, after two weeks of morning classes, I am no longer experiencing these symptoms and feel regulated and resourced enough to mother my children and engage in life as I want. I'm so thankful for the gift of nervous system regulation and the coaching videos available in RESTORE to help get me there. It has made all the difference in my life. THANK YOU!


RESTORE and Sarah Jackson’s teaching have quite literally changed my life! I have been doing brain rewiring but it wasn’t until I joined RESTORE that I fully understood how I had ended up so sick and finally found the knowledge and the confidence to resource my brain and body well to live a healthy life! The way Sarah explains things is so easy to understand. She speaks with such wisdom and compassion and you can really feel through the screen how much she cares for hurting hearts! I recommend RESTORE to everyone because I truly believe that what she teaches is foundational for every human being! I teach these practices to my daughter and feel so thankful that I now know a better way to love myself and a better way to teach my daughter how to love herself! If you are on the fence, jump in!


"After an extended period of anxiety and depression, I felt extremely stuck in my professional life. So, I began working with a coach. After 12 sessions with lots of insight, but limited substantive change in my day to day professional life, my coach said’ “Michael, you are not going to be able to think your way out of this. This kind of trauma is in your body and you have to go to the body to resolve it.” At that point, she recommended Sarah‘s program, and I honestly rolled my eyes initially and assumed she was trying to pass me off onto someone else. But, I gave it a try because I trusted my coach. From the very first meeting, I realized I was encountering something that I had never experienced before - development. I had always done work of the mind and heart, but never released stored trauma in the body. For the first month, I would not have been able to tell you what that meant but now, four months in, I feel like I have discovered another room in my house that I never knew existed. I am by no means perfect but I feel equipped to face the challenges that arise, take risks, and dream new possibilities. "


"I spent huge amounts of money on coaching, programmes & trying different things, but nothing gave me any results, as I was in shutdown. Then I got into freeze & had anxiety & with Sarah’s programme I have been able to get into regulation more and more as time goes by. I can see a bright future ahead of me & that’s thanks to RESTORE. I’m looking forward to feeling more & more regulated as I continue doing the exercises."


"Participating in Sarah's RESTORE membership has changed my life. Not only have I learned the effects of stress and trauma on the nervous system, I've also learned helpful resources. By using these resources, I've learned to regulate my emotions and to be present, in the moment. By practicing visualization and somatic practices, I now have confidence that I can regulate my nervous system. I feel emotionally and physically healthier and better able to enjoy all the blessings in my life. Not only is Sarah a well-informed teacher, she is compassionate. The financial investment is well worth it. I highly recommend RESTORE."


RESTORE has helped me understand myself better. It helped me heal symptoms of mental distress and unprocessed trauma. I feel so free, connected and grounded within myself. Thank you Sarah!


RESTORE has helped me with depression and pain. I had tried 6 other brain retraining programs before RESTORE and hadn't seen much progress. I finally started seeing results with Sarah because she taught me how to fine-tune my practices. Sarah's program is the most in-depth and complete that I have found. She presents information in an easy-to-understand format. I really like that there is a small monthly fee to join. I have recommended her program to several of my friends. 


RESTORE has been a lifeline during the healing process, and doing somatic therapy has been something I look forward to every day. It is the calmest, most grounded part of my day. Before joining the membership, my body wasn’t responding to the neural retraining program I was in. I needed a bridge to signal safety to my nervous system, and now neural retraining is so much easier. Now I use them both, and it’s a game changer. Well worth every penny to feel myself again.


"Getting equipped through the RESTORE program afforded me almost immediate relief - relief I hadn’t even imagined. I have a long way to go but I am becoming more and more resourced through RESTORE! I so appreciate Sarah’s holistic and expert teaching, the practices, and the grace of God that is always imparted."


"I have invisible illnesses that have been flared up by long Covid and I have found this program so beneficial to help rewire my nervous system, heal trauma and bring some calmness and empowerment into my life. If you have a chronic illness, this is a great program as many of the practices are 10-20 minutes long. Sarah is a very calming coach and I resonate strongly with her. No regrets. Worth every cent. The classes are great but being able to do practices in your own time from her library really encourages me to do daily practice. "


Join the RESTORE waitlist!

Restore will close on Tuesday, July 2nd, at 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time (EDT).













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